Maps to a UML Class with the stereotype XSDschema.

All schema global attributes and elements are mapped to the UML Attributes of this class.

The name of this class should match the file name or must be assigned to the component representing the file. The “xmlns” xml tags maps to a permission link with the stereotype «xmlns» and name, representing a given prefix.

The permission client is the schema class and supplier package with its name equal to the “xmlns” value.

	attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution)) : ''
	elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction)) : ''
	id = ID
	targetNamespace = anyURI
	version = token
	xml:lang = language
	{any attributes with non-schema namespace…}>
	Content: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attriuteGroup) | element | 
attribute | notation), annotation*)*)

schema UML model example.
<xs:schema xmlns:nm = ""
xmlns:xs = ""
xmlns = ""
attributeFormDefault = "qualified"
blockDefault = "extension"
elementFormDefault = "unqualified"
finalDefault = "extension"
targetNamespace = ""
version = "1.2"
xml:lang = "EN" />