Apart from the mandatory commands described in using the Generate command to generate reports, you can use the following command arguments in the command line to generate a report from the Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud) server.

If, for example, you want to generate a Web Publisher 2.0 report from a TWCloud project by getting the latest project version of the trunk branch, type the following:

generate -server "localhost" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator" -servertype "twcloud" -project "MyProject" -package "SamplePackage" -template "Web Publisher 2.0" -output "D:\output\output.html"

The following code generates a Class Specification Report report from the TWCloud project by getting the project version number 10 from MyBranch branch of the MyProject project.

generate -server "localhost" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator" -servertype "twcloud" -project "MyProject" -branch "MyBranch" -pversion "10" -package "SamplePackage" -template "Web Publisher 2.0" -output "D:\output\output.html" 

The following code generates a specific project version by specifying tagName.

generate -project "MyProject" -branch "TestingLine" -tag "Finish" -incremental true -output "C:/output/out.docx" -template "Class Specification Report" -package "SamplePackage" -server "localhost" -servertype "twcloud" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator"

The following code generates a project without specifying its branch.

generate -project "MyProject" -template "Web Publisher 2.0" -output "D:\output\output.html" -package "Model" -server "localhost" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator"

The following code generates a project from a branch release.

generate -project "MyProject##release" -template "Web Publisher 2.0" -output "D:\output\output.html" -package "Model" -server "localhost" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator"

The following code generates a specific version of a project without specifying its branch.

generate -project "MyProject" -pversion "2" -template "Web Publisher 2.0" -output "D:\output\output.html" -package "Model" -server "localhost" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator"

The following code generates a specific version of a project from a branch release.

generate -project "MyProject##release" -pversion "2" -template "Web Publisher 2.0" -output "D:\output\output.html" -package "Model" -server "localhost" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator"

The following code generates a set of reports from a specific tag.

generate -project "MyProject" -tag "Finish" -incremental true -output "C:/output/output.docx" -template "Class Specification Report" -package "Model" -server "localhost" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator"

The following code generates a report through an SSL secured connection.

generate -project "MyProject" -package "Model" -template "Web Publisher 2.0" -output "D:\output\output.html" -server "localhost:1111" -login "Administrator" -password "Administrator" -ssl "true"

The specified project version would be used to generate the report as a first priority, in case the specified project version does not belong in the specified branch.

If the project version specified is not the latest, the -updatemodule option would not affect the generate command.