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Uninstalling modeling tools

Uninstall on Windows

  • In the <modeling tool> installation > UninstallerData folder, double-click the Uninstall <modeling tool> file.

Uninstall on OS X

  • Right-click the <modeling tool> installation folder and from the shortcut menu, select Move to Trash.

Uninstall on Unix

  • In the <modeling tool> installation > UninstallerData folder, double-click the Uninstall <modeling tool> file.

Removing no-install package


  • Delete the <modeling tool> installation folder.


  • Right-click the <modeling tool> installation folder, and then, from the shortcut menu, select Move to Trash.


  • Delete the <modeling tool> installation folder.

Uninstalling plugins

  1. Start the modeling tool.
  2. In the Help menu, select Resource/Plugin Manager.
  3. In the Resource/Plugin Manager dialog, click to select the plugin.
  4. Click the Remove button.
  5. When you receive the message asking if you want to remove the plugin, click OK.
  6. Restart the modeling tool.