Open API Changes

UML 2.5 support related changes

UI refactoring related changes

UI of diagrams' windows management, symbols' compartments management, and elements creation in compartments have been refactored. As a consequence, some actions have been removed from the com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID interface and new actions have been added.

IDs of the removed actions are as follows:

Project Merge related changes

Types of parameters have been changed from Set to Collection, because of performance related improvements in methods of the following interfaces:

Structured expressions related changes

The com.nomagic.magicdraw.expressions.ExpressionHelper class has been added. It provides utility methods to use in queries defined with the StructuredExpression language (used by smart packages, derived properties in DSL, and so forth).

UML Interactions related changes

The com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers.InteractionHelper class has been added. It provides utility methods to access Interactions part of UML metamodel.