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After applying the TWCloud license and starting Teamwork Cloud (TWCloud), you can log into Teamwork Cloud Admin (TWCloud Admin). 

To sign in to TWCloud Admin

  1. In an internet browser, go to http(s)://<machine ip>:<port>/webapp. For example, if the machine IP is and the default port is used, the URL will be

    The default port is 8443.

  2. When the authentication page opens, enter your user name and password to sign in.

    The default credentials are Administrator/Administrator.

    After you sign in you will be directed to the main Web Application Platform page (

Once you are logged in, you will be redirected to landing page depending on your role/ permissions. To navigate in TWCloud Admin environment use the app bar. Depending on their roles and permissions, some users may not be able to access some specific content in the TWCloud system or view the detail.

The first page that opens after successful login varies according to the user role or his latest activity in the TWCloud Admin.

To sign out of TWCloud Admin

  • In the top right corner click  button and select Sign out to sign out of the current user account.

This list provides sample URLs for all TWCloud Admin applications if the machine IP is and the default port is used:

Resources applicationhttps://
Users applicationhttps://
Roles applicationhttps://
Settings applicationhttps://
My account applicationhttps://

If you use one of this URL, you will be directed to that exact application. In case, you will enter wrong address you will be directed to main Web Application Platform page.

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