More about the issue:

Apache Log4j2 version <2.15.0 is a part of the following products in these versions:

CATIA Magic portfolio

No Magic portfolio



Option 1

  1. Download the latest log4j 2.15.0 patched version .
  2. Replace all log4j 2.x jar files with their respective equivalents from the downloaded version 2.15.0 zip file while keeping the original file name.


See the detailed procedure to mitigate the risk concerning the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability. 

Option 2

If you cannot upgrade log4j, you may add 


as a command line option or add


to a <modeling tool installation directory>\bin\<modeling tool>.properties file (e.g. on the classpath to prevent lookups in the log event message.


The following products and versions are NOT affected:

CATIA Magic portfolio

No Magic portfolio