To create an Operational Constraints table by adding a new Operational Constraint

  1. Click the Add New  button. The new row is added. 
  2. In the Applies To cell, click Edit and in the Select Subject Of Operational Constraint dialog, select constrained Operational Elements (Operational Performer, Operational Activity, Operational Information, Operational Exchange).
  3. In the Rule Specification cell, click Edit and in the Specification dialog, select the language and specify body.

    The Rule Specification can be defined in English as well as using expressions or formulas.


  4. Select the Rule Kind from one of the following:

You can assign more than one Operational Constraint for one constraint.

To create an Operational Constraints table by adding a new Operational Constraint

  1. Click the Add Existing button. 
  2. In Select Operational Constraint dialog, select Operational Constraints. The filled row is added in table.