On this page
In Teamwork Cloud, you can create remote resource configurations allowing you to synchronize resources from one Teamwork Cloud server to another based on the selected synchronization trigger. This is a convenient way to collaborate with disconnected teams or departments and share not only resources but their entire history as well. To learn how you can benefit from this functionality, see cross-cluster resource synchronization.
Be aware that cross-cluster resource synchronization is only supported between deployments running the same major version. While the minor version does not need to match, both deployments must be on the same major version to ensure compatibility and smooth operation. |
To create a remote resource configuration
In the Username and Password boxes, enter the credentials of a source server user.
For successful synchronization, the user whose credentials are used to log in to the source Teamwork Cloud server needs to have the Read Resources permission in the source server. |
A separate remote resource configuration is created for every resource and/or category selected in step 5. All existing remote resource configurations and their details including synchronization status are displayed in the remote repository management screen as shown below.
After creating a remote resource configuration, the related resource or category is synchronized depending on the selected synchronization mode. However, you can also synchronize resources manually as described below.
If you select the Manual synchronization mode for a remote resource configuration, you need to synchronize resources by yourself as described in this section. |
To synchronize resources manually
If remote resource configurations are no longer needed, you can delete them as described below.
To delete a remote resource configuration
Optionally, run Data Manager and use one of the commands for deleting resources to completely remove the remote resource configurations from Teamwork Cloud.
Step 4 is mandatory if you want to create another remote resource configuration for the same resource. In such a case, it is not enough to delete the configuration you want to replace by using just the Teamwork Cloud UI. You need to remove it via Data Manager as well. |