You need to add existing Resource Exchanges to fill in an NSV-6 table.

To add an existing Resource Exchanges

  1. Click the Add Existing and select the  Resource Exchange Kind:
    • Command (between Organizational Resources)
    • Control (between Physical Resources)
    • Resource Exchange
  2. Click OK, when you are done. The rows with selected resource interactions are added to the table.
  • Resource Exchange identifier, Resource Exchange Item Name, Producing and Consuming Functions, and wide range of measurement cells are allowed to edit in the table. Sending Performer, Receiving Performer, and Implements cells are read only.
  • You may use an NSV-1 product to create or modify a Resource Interaction.
  • You can remove the Rows (Resource Interactions) from the model or table, order, or export them to a CSV or HTML format.
  • Right-click on a cell to see more menus.


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