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Version changes

  • 32-bit lmadmin/lmgrd server managers are no longer distributed.
  • 32-bit cameo daemon vendor is no longer distributed.

Choosing the Flexnet server manager

There are three types of FlexNet server managers:

  • lmadmin – a web-based license server manager with GUI (recommended).
  • lmgrd – a license server manager with a command-line interface.
  • lmtools – the old Windows-based server manager (replaced by lmadmin).

 We recommend using lmadmin.


  • You have downloaded the installation files of:
    • the FlexNet license server manager.
    • the vendor daemon - cameo.

The license server manager (e.g., lmadmin) should be of the same or later version as a vendor daemon - cameo you use.


To use lmadmin on Windows platforms, the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package must be installed. You have an option to install this package during the FlexNet Publisher License Server Installer process.

Modeling tool version64-bit system
2021x and later

Use 64-bit lmadmin or 64-bit lmgrd with a 64-bit cameo daemon vendor file.

Important! Offline licenses (license borrowing)

To use offline license borrowing with 11.19.6, the modeling tool 2024x Refresh1 version is required.

If you are upgrading from an older license server to 11.19.6, users should return their borrowed licenses. Otherwise, a new license will be borrowed.

 Installing FlexNet 11.19.6


It is the best practice to run license servers on a server-based OS.

  • You need to have the glibc libraries installed corresponding to your operating system architecture.
  • You need to create a non-root system user with root privileges and install/run the server tools(lmadmin/lmgrd) using it.

  • You need to install the Linux Standard Base (LSB) library.


1. Create a new user and add this user to the group.

2. Add user to sudoers (/etc/sudoers).

3. Install the Linux Standard Base (LSB) library.

sudo groupadd -r lmadmin
sudo useradd -d /home/lmadmin -g lmadmin -m -r lmadmin
sudo echo "lmadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL " >> /etc/sudoers
sudo yum install -y ld-linux.so.2
sudo yum install redhat-lsb-core

Check if LSB was successfully installed using:

lsb_release -a

In order to query which LSB library is required for a particular Centos version, the following command can be executed:

sudo yum provides /lib/ld-lsb.so.3

Ubuntu OS

1. Add the user to the 'sudo' group

2. Edit the file /etc/sudoers using visudo.

Method 1 (Ubuntu based)
sudo adduser newuser
sudo usermod -aG sudo newuser
Method 2 (Ubuntu based)
Modify '/etc/sudoers' with the editor "visudo".

#Create a user called "newuser"
[root@mylinux~]#useradd newuser
[root@mylinux~]#passwd newuser

#Edit the file with visudo:
[root@mylinux~]# visudo

#Find a line 'User privilege specification' and add the following.
newuser ALL=(ALL) ALL

3. Install the Linux Standard Base (LSB) library.

sudo apt-get install lsb-core
Modeling tool version64-bit system
2021x and later

Use 64-bit lmadmin or 64-bit lmgrd with a 64-bit cameo daemon vendor file.

Important! Offline licenses (license borrowing)

To use offline license borrowing with 11.19.6, the modeling tool 2024x Refresh1 version is required.

If you are upgrading from an older license server to 11.19.6, users should return their borrowed licenses. Otherwise, a new license will be borrowed.

Installing FlexNet 11.19.6