Each Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud document contains detailed document and project information. The following steps outline how to access this information.

Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud document information

  1. Open a Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud document.
  2. In the app bar, click and select Document information.

The document information screen opens, displaying the following information:

  • Document information:
    • Document creation time
    • The name of the user who created the document
    • The last time the document was published
    • The name of the user who published the latest document version
    • The number of the latest document version
    • Indication if commenting and/or editing is enabled and the template that was used to publish the document
  • Project information:
    • Project creation time
    • The name of the user who created the project
    • The last time the project was modified
    • The name of the last user to modify the project
    • The number of the latest project version
    • Project branch name

The example of the Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud document information screen.