The color representation attribute specifies the representative color of Data Markings that are displayed as portion markings on the elements of the project.


If you make changes to the color representation attribute, make sure to refresh the diagram (click F5 on the keyboard or click View > Refresh in the tool) in order to see the changes on the element portion markings.

Specifying the color representation attribute

To specify the color representation attribute

  • Through the Data Marking element:
  1. Right-click the Data Marking element and open its Specification window.
  2. In the property group list, select Slots > color > and click the Create Value button. The Color dialog opens.
  3. Select the color you want the Data Marking's portion marking to be displayed in. Click OK.
  4. Click Close. The portion marking is displayed in the specified color once the Data Marking is added to an element.
  • Through the Data Marking Category element:
  1. Right-click the Data Marking Category element and open its Specification window.
  2. In the property group list, expand Data Markings. Data Marking elements that belong to the category appear. 
  3. Expand the Data Marking element you want to edit and select Slots.
  4. Select color and click the Create Value button. The Color dialog opens.
  5. Select the color you want the Data Marking's portion marking to be displayed in. Click OK.
  6. Click Close.

Editing the color representation attribute

To edit the color representation attribute

  • Through the Data Marking element:
  1. Right-click the Data Marking element and open its Specification window.
  2. In the property group list, select Slots > color.
  3. Click the  button and select a new color. Click OK.
  4. Click Close.
  • Through the Data Marking Category element:
  1. Right-click the Data Marking Category element and open its Specification window.
  2. In the property group list, select Data Markings. Data Marking elements that belong to the category appear. 
  3. Expand the Data Marking element you want to edit and select Slots.
  4. Click color slot and select the value you want to edit.
  5. Click the  button and edit the selected value.
  6. Click Close.

Removing the color representation attribute value

To remove the color representation attribute value

  • Through the Data Marking element :
  1. Right-click the Data Marking element and open its Specification window.
  2. In the property group list, select Slots > color.
  3. In the Value box on the right side of the dialog, select the color value you want to remove.
  4. Click the  button to remove the value.
  5. Click Close.
  • Through the Data Marking Category element:
  1. Right-click the Data Marking Category element and open its Specification window.
  2. In the property group list, select Data Markings. Data Marking elements that belong to the category appear. 
  3. Expand the Data Marking element you want to edit and select Slots.
  4. Click color slot and select the value you want to remove.
  5. Click the  button to remove the selected value.
  6. Click Close.


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