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$project is a project reference enabling a template to return the project information.


Returns a project name.

Return-java.lang.StringA project name.


Gets a project title.


Return-java.lang.StringA project title.


Gets a project filename.

Return-java.lang.StringA project filename.


Gets a project filename extension.

Return-java.lang.StringA project filename extension.


Get a project directory name.

Return-java.lang.StringA project directory name.


Returns a list of version information from an open Server project.

Return-java.util.List<ProjectVersion>A list of


Version information consists of the following attributes:
  • comment: a version committed comment
  • date: a committed date
  • dateAsString: a committed date as text
  • number: a committed version
  • numberAsString: a committed version as text
  • user: a committer’s name
  • version: a version object that can be com.nomagic.teamwork.common.projects.Version for Teamwork project or com.nomagic.magicdraw.esi.project.project.IEsiVersionDescriptor for Teamwork Cloud project.

Following is the sample code.

Current version : $project.version
All version:
#foreach ($version in $project.versionList)
Date : $
Number : $version.number
Number as String : $version.numberAsString
User : $version.user
Comment : $version.comment


Returns a file type. A file type is one of the following values:

  • 0 – UNDEF
  • 2 – XML_NATIVE
  • 3 – UNSIYS_XMI
Return-intThe value of a file type.


Returns all existing diagrams stored in a particular project.

Return-java.util.CollectionA collection of diagram instances.


Returns existing diagrams of a given type stored in a particular project.

Parameter(s)typejava.lang.StringA diagram type.
Return-java.util.CollectionA collection of diagram instances.

Sample code
#set($classDiagram = $project.getDiagrams("Class Diagram"))
#foreach($cl in $classDiagram)

  • “Class Diagram” is a diagram type


Returns all existing presentation diagrams stored in a particular project.



java.util.CollectionA collection of diagram views.



Returns all existing presentation diagrams of a given type stored in a particular project.

Parameter(s)typejava.lang.StringA diagram type.
Return-java.util.CollectionA collection of diagram views.

Sample code
#set($classDiagram = $project.getPresentationDiagrams("Class Diagram"))
#foreach($cl in $classDiagram)

  • “Class Diagram” is a diagram type.


Returns the remote or non-remote state of a project.

Return-java.lang.BooleanReturn true if a
project is a remote
project, otherwise false.


Returns true if that particular project was modified after it had been saved or loaded.



java.lang.BooleanReturn true if a
project was modified
after it had been
otherwise false.


Returns an element with a given ID.

Parameter(s)IDjava.lang.StringAn element ID.
Return-com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.BaseElementAn element with a given ID or null
if the element with such ID is not
registered in the project.
Sample code
#set($ele = $project.getElementByID("_9_0_62a020a_1105704887361_983947_8206"))
  • “_9_0_62a020a_1105704887361_983947_8206” is the element’s ID number.


Returns a collection of all element IDs in a project.

Return-java.util.CollectionA collection of all element IDs in a project.


Returns the XMI version of a project.

Return-intAn XMI version.


Return a project version number.

Return-longA project version number.


Returns a model (the root container of all model structures).

Return-com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.auxiliaryconstructs.mdmodels.ModelA model.

$project.getModel() is deprecated since MagicDraw 18.2, please use $project.getPrimaryModel() instead


Returns the primary (main) model of the project (not including the ones from modules (attached projects)).

Return-com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.PackageThe primary model
of the project.



Returns a list of models in the project (the primary model of the project and all the models of the modules(attached projects)).

Return-Java.util.ListA list of


Returns a list of used server and local modules from a server project.


booleanReturns auxiliary resources only if this value is True.
Default is False.
Return-java.util.CollectionA list of com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModuleDescriptor



Returns a list of shared modules from a specified module.

Parameter(s)modulecom.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModuleDescriptorA module.
Return-java.util.CollectionA list of com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModuleDescriptor.



This function returns the list of used server modules as well as auxiliary resources.

Parameter(s)auxiliarybooleanReturns auxiliary resources when this value if True.
Default is false.
Return-java.util.CollectionA list of com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModuleDescriptor.



This function returns a list of used local modules as well as auxiliary resources.

Parameter(s)auxiliarybooleanReturns auxiliary resources when this value if True.
Default is false.
Type-java.util.CollectionA list of com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModuleDescriptor.



This function returns a list of auxiliary resources.

Type-java.util.CollectionA list of com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModuleDescriptor.


Sample code
#foreach ($module in $project.getModuleList())
name				: $module.representationSpring
description			: $module.description
version				: $module.version
required version	: $module.requiredVersion
shared module		: #foreach ($child in $project.getSharedModule($module)) - $child.representationString#end=========================#end
  • $module is the module from Teamwork Server.



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