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A Resources Connectivity matrix is an editable matrix where cells of the matrix represent Resource Exchanges and their headers represent Resources. The arrow can be positioned on one side of the matrix or the other depending on the direction of the Resource Exchange between resources. A Resources Connectivity matrix consists of as many rows and columns as there are Resources in the matrix data source.

Creating Resource Connectivity matrix

To create a Resources Connectivity matrix

  1. Specify the Row Scope (Resources).
  2. Specify the Column Scope (Resources).
  3. Click Refresh.

Creating Resource Exchange in Resources Connectivity matrix

To add a new Resource Exchange

  1. Right-click the intersection in the matrix and select Add New Resource Exchange.
  2. Follow the steps of the Realized Resource Exchange wizard.
  3. Click Finish when you are done.
    A new Resource Exchange appears in the selected intersection.

To remove an existing Resource Exchange

  1. Right-click the filled intersection.
  2. Under the Delete section, choose the Resource Exchange you want to remove from the model.