The com.nomagic.magicdraw.ce.CodeEngineeringManager class provides static API methods for creating, removing, reversing, generating, and adjusting code-engineering settings. The CodeEngineeringManager class is used for managing code engineering sets.

When creating the code engineering set, the following fields are required:

  • Language and dialect IDs. All languages and dialects IDs are stored in the com.nomagic.magicdraw.ce.CodeEngineeringConstants class.
  • The name of the code engineering set.
  • The project, where code engineering set will be added.
  • The working package.
  • The working directory.

New com.nomagic.magicdraw.ce.CodeEngineeringSet can be created directly via CodeEngineeringManager using the CodeEngineeringManager.createCodeEngineeringSet(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, Project, Package, java.lang.String) method.

The language and dialect can be selected from the CodeEngineeringConstants class. The dialect is required for DDL and C++ languages.

• null workingPackage means, that the code engineering working package is Model by default

• null workingDirectory means, that the code engineering working directory is the modeling tool install root

To remove the instance of CodeEngineeringSet use the CodeEngineeringManager.removeCodeEngineeringSet(CodeEngineeringSet) method.

All Code Engineering Sets can be retrieved by the CodeEngineeringManager.getAllCodeEngineeringSets(Project) method.

To perform generation of the CodeEngineeringSet object use the CodeEngineeringManager.generate(Project, boolean) method.

To perform the reverse engineering use the CodeEngineeringManager.reverse(Project, boolean) method.

Language Specific Options

com.nomagic.magicdraw.ce.JavaCodeEngineeringManager provides methods to set Java specific options.These options applie to all code engineering sets in the project.

To add a classpaths for the java code engineering sets, use JavaCodeEngineeringManager.setJavaClasspath(Project, java.lang.String[])

Setting a new classpath will override the old one.

To get applied classpaths for java code engineering sets, use JavaCodeEngineeringManager.getJavaClasspath(Project).

To resolve collection generics when reversing the java code, CodeEngineeringManager.setResolveCollectionGenerics(Project, boolean)