You can adjust the behavior of the Confirmation popup dialogs in DataHub through the Confirmation option group.

To enable or disable the Cameo DataHub Confirmation dialogs in MagicDraw®

  1. Open the Cameo DataHub Options dialog.

  2. Go to the Confirmation group and select or clear the checkbox as per your requirement.
  3. Click OK.

The following table explains each Confirmation option group in the Cameo DataHub Options dialog.

Show a confirmation dialog when synchronizing data.Opens a confirmation dialog before synchronizing data.
Show a warning dialog about the lost Rich Text format when copying or synchronizing data.Opens a warning dialog that copying or synchronizing data erases the Rich Text format.
Show a confirmation dialog when deleting node action.Opens a confirmation dialog before deleting a node.
Show a confirmation dialog when deleting Pending Delete status.Opens a confirmation dialog before deleting a node whose status is PendingDelete.
Show a confirmation dialog when deleting the schema map.Opens a confirmation dialog before deleting a schema map.
Show a warning dialog when the schema being edited is used in another project.Opens a warning dialog when editing a schema used in another project.
Show a warning dialog when copying data.Opens a warning dialog before copying data when some nodes have not been completely mapped.
Show a warning dialog when saving a text property that causes formatting lost.Opens a warning dialog about saving a property value and erases the format.
Show a warning dialog when synchronizing at another side of the Out of Scope node.Opens a warning dialog that synchronizing data relocates some out-of-scope nodes on the other side within the DHLink.
Show a confirmation dialog when removing DHLink.Opens a confirmation dialog before removing the DHLink of the selected node.
Show a confirmation dialog when removing DHLinks recursively.Opens a confirmation dialog before removing DHLinks of the selected node and its hierarchy.
Show a confirmation dialog when replacing the existing map.Opens a confirmation dialog before overwriting a schema map.
Show a confirmation dialog when updating all pending DHLinks recursively.Opens a confirmation dialog before updating all pending DHLinks of the selected node and its hierarchy.
Show a confirmation dialog when updating all pending DHLinks.Opens a confirmation dialog before updating all pending DHLinks of the selected node.
Show a confirmation dialog when updating the Pending Update status.Opens a confirmation dialog before updating a node whose status is PendingUpdate.
Show a confirmation dialog when discarding pending DHLinks.Opens a confirmation dialog before discarding the pending DHLinks.
Show a confirmation dialog when discarding pending DHLinks recursively.Opens a confirmation dialog before discarding the pending DHLinks recursively.
Show a confirmation dialog when discarding orphan DHLinks.Opens a confirmation dialog before discarding the orphan DHLinks.
Show a confirmation dialog when discarding orphan DHLinks recursively.Opens a confirmation dialog before discarding the orphan DHLinks recursively.
Show a confirmation dialog when removing orphan DHLinks.Opens a confirmation dialog before removing orphan DHLinks.
Show a confirmation dialog when removing orphan DHLinks recursively.Opens a confirmation dialog before removing orphan DHLinks recursively.
Show a confirmation dialog when excluding entities recursively.Opens a confirmation dialog before excluding entities recursively.
Show a confirmation dialog when excluding entities.Opens a confirmation dialog before excluding entities.
Show a confirmation dialog when including entities recursively.Opens a confirmation dialog before including entities recursively.
Show a confirmation dialog when including entities.Opens a confirmation dialog before including entities.


  • An out-of-scope node is a node that has been relocated outside the root node. Therefore, the node hierarchy is changed.
  • Synchronizing on the side where some out-of-scope nodes exist does not change the node hierarchy of the related nodes on the other side. Therefore, a warning message does not open, but synchronizing from the other side moves the out-of-scope nodes to their original locations.