Comment is used for explaining or making notes regarding the code. You can include text comments in the report. The report engine will not parse comments.
To make a single line comment
Type ## before the comment. The report engine will skip all the text in the line, as follows:
##Comment here
To make multi-line comments
Type #* followed by the multi-line comments and end them with *#. The report engine will skip all the lines between these symbols, as follows:
#* Comment line1 Comment line2 Comment line3 *#
Unparsing code
You can declare the code in Velocity template without parsing it into the report. The report engine will not parse the code.
To unparse code
Type #[[ followed by the code to unparse and end it with ]]#, as follows:
<html> <body> #[[ <?php session_start(); YOUR CODE HERE ?> ]]# </body> </html>