If you are migrating from earlier than MagicDraw 15.0 version, please read the Plugins migration to MagicDraw 15.0 and later Open API chapter first.

The changes that have been made to Open API are the following:

  • UML metamodel changes. UML 2.4.1 specification introduced few changes in the UML metamodel itself. Some metamodel classes were added, some of them were removed, some metaclasses properties were changed. Most of these changes are not in a core UML, so they will affect you if your plugin is oriented to complex things in UML. For the details of changes, see Supported UML Specification Changes from Version 2.3 to 2.4.1.
  • Project (decomposition) structure API changes.

  • Changes in methods:

    • com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.options.ProjectOptionsConfiguratorThe method afterLoad(ProjectOptions) has been added. An empty implementation of this method must be added to a custom ProjectOptionsConfigurator implementation.

    • com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.project.ProjectEventListenerThe following methods have been added:







projectPreReplaced(Project, Project)

projectPreSaved(Project, boolean)


 An empty implementation of these methods must be added to the custom ProjectEventListener implementation. The code change is not required, if com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.project.ProjectEventListenerAdapter is extended.

  • Changes in libraries jars have been made. New jar files have been introduced in the lib folder. Do not forget to update your classpath.