Using Specification window you can perform various actions that are necessary when working with model elements. Every model element has its own specification.
The following table describes only common functions of the Specification window.
Function | Description |
Add/modify model element properties and inner elements | Choose the desired property group and specify its properties in the general specification pane. |
Open referenced element specifications | From the shortcut menu, select Open Specification or click work with both specifications in the same window. | . When another element specification is open, you can
Navigate between open specifications | To navigate between open specifications, use the Back and Forward buttons. |
Manage relationships |
Add/edit element documentation | Add element description, describe use case scenarios, or add other relevant information that can be used for generating reports or technical documentation. Documentation also can be written in HTML using the HTML editor. |
Manage element hyperlinks | Open, edit, add, or remove hyperlinks from the selected model element to a file, address, other element / symbol, or requirements. |
Manage element tags and tagged values | Create tag definitions, view, create, modify, assign default tagged values. |
Manage element constraints | Define new, edit, or apply constraints to an element. |
Track element symbol usage in diagrams | Find out in which diagrams the symbol is used. Open these diagrams directly from the specification window. |
Select model element in the Containment tree | From the shortcut menu, choose Select in Containment Tree or click . |
View element traceability | Monitor element changes and the impact of those changes using traceability. |
Select a specification property and from the shortcut menu, select the action you want to perform.