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Creating a signal instance

You can create Signal Instances by using the following API. The signatures of this API are as follows

SignalInstance createSignal(Signal signal)
SignalInstance createSignal(String keyword)

The following example demonstrates how to create a Signal Instance

ALH.createSignal(s); ---> if 's' is an instance of a Signal.

The parameter of this API can be either a String or a Signal. If it is a String, the system will find a Signal whose name or qualified name contains the String.

Sending a signal instance to a specific target object

You can send an existing Signal Instance (or create a new one and then send it) to a target object with the following APIs

void sendSignal(String signalName, Object_ object)
void sendSignal(String signalName, String targetName)
void sendSignal(SignalInstance signal, Object_ object)
void sendSignal(SignalInstance signal, String targetName)
void sendSignal(String signalName, Object_ target, String portName)
void sendSignal(SignalInstance signal, Object_ target, String portName)

The conditions that apply when creating an Instance are as follows

  • If a signal name contains "::", it will find the signal from a qualified name. The signal will be found if its qualified name is ended with signalName.
  • If an object is an instance of an Object_, send the signal to that Object_ directly.
  • If an object is an instance of a String, there are two possible cases as follows
    • It will find the target object(s) from all waiting objects whose part/property names match the target's String parameter.
    • It will find the target object(s) through connected ports, given that the port is the name of the current object.

The following example shows how to send a specific signal to a specific target object in ALH API

ALH.sendSignal("play", o); → "o" references to a target object.
ALH.sendSignal("system::play", o); → Find a signal using a qualified name.
ALH.sendSignal("play", "Speaker"); → Send to all waiting objects that have "Speaker"
as their type name.
ALH.sendSignal("play", "Player", "out2"); → "Player" is an object, and "out2" is a port name.

All parameters must not be null. Otherwise, the ScriptEngine errors will be thrown.

Getting the last signal instance from a runtime object

You can use the following API to retrieve the last signal instance from a runtime object. It is equivalent to $signal$.

SignalInstance getLastSignal(Object_ o)

The following code fragment shows how to get the last signal instance in the event pool of a specified object using ALH API


It returns the Instance of the following
