NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.


The Technology & Skills Forecast defines the underlying current and expected supporting technologies and skills. Expected supporting technologies and skills are those that can be reasonably forecast given the current state of technology and skills, and expected improvements/ trends. New technologies and skills will be tied to specific time periods, which can correlate against the time periods used in SV-8 milestones and linked to Enterprise Phases. SV-9 provides a summary of emerging technologies and skills that impact the Resources that constitute the Architecture. The SV-9 provides descriptions of relevant: emerging capabilities, industry trends, predictions of the availability and readiness of specific hardware and software products, and current and possible future skills In addition to providing an inventory of trends, capabilities and products, the SV-9 also includes an assessment of the potential impact of these items on the architecture.


SV-9 can be represented using a SV-9 table.


SV-9 Technology & Skills Forecast

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The specific time periods selected (and the trends being tracked) will be coordinated with the Architecture transition plans (see SV-8). That is, insertion of new capabilities and upgrading / re-training of existing resources may depend on or be driven by the availability of new technology and associated skills.

If standards are an integral part of the technologies important to the evolution of a given Architecture, then it may be convenient to combine the SV-9 with the Technical Standards Forecast (TV-2).


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