Font sizes are changed by setting or changing the standard font-size CSS property. The base size for the whole document is not set by default, so you will need to add this property to the <template_folder>/common/styles.html template.

Some document elements, like headers and cover page headings, have their own font sizes. To change the size of such a font, you need to find out which file defines the property and change its value.

Example of changing the font size for the whole document

Let’s assume you want to change the font size for the whole document to 15px.

To change the font size for the whole document to 15px

  1. Open the <template_folder>/common/styles.html file.
  2. Find the style tag with th:fragment="CommonStyles".
  3. Locate the body tag within and add the font-size: 15px; property to the list of other body style attributes.

    <style th:fragment="CommonStyles">
       body {
                font-size: 15px;

Now, the main font size of the exported document will be 15px.