A Java field is mapped directly to the UML Attribute with the stereotype «JavaField». This stereotype is optional and if a UML Class has no stereotype, Java CE treats it as a Java field. If no appropriate property is found in UML, field modifiers are mapped into the UML Property properties or to the Java language properties.

Note that Java field type modifiers are mapped to the specific property Type Modifier, but not to the UML Multiplicity.

Field mapping table

Java ElementMagicDraw-UML Element
Field Declaration

UML Property, owned by UML Class, with stereotype «JavaProperty» (optional)

Field Name

UML Property Name

Field Documentation

UML Field Documentation

Field Type

Mapped to the UML Type property. It is a reference to the UML Classifier; its package structure and name represent the referenced Java class.

Field Type Modifiers

Mapped to the specified property Type Modifier

Visibility Modifier

UML Property Visibility property

Final Modifier

UML Property Is Read Only property

Static Modifier

UML Property Is Static property

Transient Modifier

Java Language property Transient modifier

Volatile Modifier

Java Language property Volatile modifier


Java source code

public final class MyClass
* myList comment
public static java.util.List myList;

UML model


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