Property NameDescriptionApplied For:Reference Through:Value elements typeExample

Base Classifier, All General Classifiers 

The Base Classifier property gathers classifiers from which the current element directly inherits.

The All General Classifiers property gathers classifiers from which the current element directly or indirectly inherits. 


Relationships: Generalization.


Participates in Activity

The property shows either the activities wherein the classifier is used as an object type, or the activities that are owned by the classifier. 

ClassifierProperty ChainActivity

Participates in Interaction

The property shows either the interactions wherein the classifier is used as an object type, or the interactions that are owned by the classifier. 

ClassifierProperty ChainInteraction

Describing Behavior

The property gathers behavior diagrams (state, activity, sequence, communication, and interaction) that describe the use case. 

Use Case

Properties: ownedBehavior Tags: Exceptional Flow of Events Diagrams, Basic Flow of Events Diagrams, Alternative Flow of Events Diagrams.

State, Activity, Sequence, Communication, and Interaction Diagrams 

Specific ClassifierThe property shows directly inherited classifiers.ClassifierRelationships: Generalizations.Classifier

All Specific ClassifiersThe property gathers directly or indirectly inherited classifiers.ClassifierRelationships: Generalization.Classifier

Used Classifier

The property gathers what classifiers are used in the activity as object types, or the classifier that owns the activity. 

ActivityProperty ChainClassifier

Used Classifier

The property gathers what classifiers are used in the activity as object types, or the classifier that owns the activity. 

InterActionProperty ChainClassi

Described Use CaseThe property shows the described use cases by behavior or behavior diagram.

State, Activity, Sequence, Communication, and Interaction Diagrams 

Properties: ownedBehavior

Tags: Exceptional Flow of Events Diagrams, Basic Flow of Events Diagrams, Alternative Flow of Events Diagrams.

Use Case


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