Editor tabs allow you to access diagrams and model samples.

On this page:

Editor tab types

The modeling tool contains the following editor tabs:

  • Welcome tab.
    The welcome tab is displayed once the modeling tool is launched. It allows you to create new or open other projects, view model samples provided with the modeling tool installation, etc.
  • Samples tab.
    Displays the model samples provided with the modeling tool installation.
  • Diagram Editor tab.
    It allows you to display and work with diagrams. You can have multiple diagram tabs open simultaneously.

Editor tabs commands

Editor tabs' commands can be found:

  • In the Main Menu, click Window, then Editor Tabs. In the dropdown menu, select the appropriate command.

Viewing samples

You can view the model samples provided with the modeling tool installation either through the Samples tab or the Welcome tab.

Viewing samples in the Welcome tab

To view samples in the Welcome tab

  • Once the modeling tool is launched, in the Welcome tab, click Samples.

Invoking the samples tab

To invoke the samples tab

  • In the Main Menu, click Help, then Show Samples

Navigating content in the Welcome or Samples tabs

You can use the search bar to navigate the content in the Welcome and Samples tabs. This is especially useful for locating specific samples.

To navigate content in the Welcome or Samples tabs

  1. Use the Ctrl+F shortcut keys to invoke the search bar.
  2. In the Find input field, type the search keyword.
  3. (Optional) Use the commands in the search bar for efficient search.

The table below displays the search bar's commands.

Command iconDescription

Click to close the search bar.

Type the search keyword(s). 

Click to highlight the next search result.

Click to highlight the previous search result.

Click to highlight all search results.

Select the check box to find results matching the search input letter case.