There are two types of users in Teamwork Cloud: internal and external. Internal users are created inside the system, whereas external users are imported from LDAP servers. An authorized user can convert an external user to an internal one and vice versa. When you convert a user from internal to external, you can select the LDAP domain this user will be mapped to.

To convert a user to internal

  1. In the User application, do one of the following:
    1. Click the external user you want to convert. In the open User pane, click  and select Convert to Internal.

    2. Click  next to the name of the external user you want to convert and select Convert to Internal.
  2. When the Convert to Internal pane opens, enter and confirm a new password for the user. You can also modify the full user name if needed.
  3. Click  to convert the user. 

To convert a user to external

  1. In the User application, do one of the following:
    1. Click the internal user you want to convert. In the open User pane, click  and select Convert to External.
    2. Click  next to the name of the internal user you want to convert and select Convert to External
  2. When a question dialog (displayed below) opens, select the LDAP domain you want to map the user to and click Convert.


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