A Proxy Port is a Port stereotyped with «ProxyPort». When Cameo Simulation Toolkit simulates an object that has a proxy Port, the value that specifies the proxy Port will be the reference of the object that is the target of the Flow. A Classifier of the target object must be inherited from an interface Block that types a proxy Port. 

If the proxy Port is not connected by a delegation Connector to the internal structure of the owning object, the target will be the object itself. 

The Target Object Owning Object of the Proxy Port

The target object owning object of the proxy Port.

If the proxy Port is connected by a delegation Connector to the internal structure of the object owning the Port, the target of the Flow will be the object specifying the role at the other end of the delegation Connector. 

The Target Objects of Proxy Ports are Visible when the Ports Connected by Delegation Connector

The target Objects of proxy Ports are visible when the Ports connected by Delegation Connector.

If Cameo Simulation Toolkit cannot find the target object, or the classifier of the target object does not inherit from the interface Block that types the proxy Port, Cameo Simulation Toolkit will initialize the Port object directly from its type.

Features defined by Interface Block, e.g., Flow properties, can be displayed in the Variables pane (when selecting the Show Ports option for the Variables pane in the Project Options dialog) under Proxy Port nodes during simulation as shown in the figure below.

Proxy Port nodes (level and valve) show only features defined by «interfaceBlock» (level and valve Flow properties).


Other properties which are not part of the Ports, e.g., minlevel and maxlevel of Controller are not shown because Ports can be only accessed and display what is defined by «interfaceBlock».


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