Every session creating and closing starts and commits the model editing transaction. The com.nomagic.uml2.transaction.TransactionCommitListener is a special listener, which is notified when the all changes inside a transaction are done and the transaction is closed.

The TransactionCommitListener contains transactionCommited(java.util.Collection<java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent>) method, which provides a collection of all java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent(s) that were executed in a transaction.

Create a custom transaction commit listener:

    public class MyTransactionListener implements TransactionCommitListener
        public Runnable transactionCommited(final Collection<PropertyChangeEvent> events)
            return new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    for (PropertyChangeEvent event : events)
                        if (UML2MetamodelConstants.INSTANCE_CREATED.equals(event.getPropertyName()))
                            Object source = event.getSource();
                            if (source instanceof Property)
                                Property property = (Property) source; Element owner = property.getOwner();
                                if (owner instanceof Classifier)
                                    Classifier propertyOwner = (Classifier) owner;
                                    propertyOwner.setName("Contains (" + propertyOwner.getAttribute().size() + ") attributes");

                                // additionally for this Property we register listener to listen for any property changes in this Element properties.
                                property.addPropertyChangeListener(new DerivedValuePropertyChangeListener());

This “transaction commit listener” checks, if a new property is created in a classifier and updates the classifier’s (a property owner) name. All changes are done in the same session.

Register the custom “transaction commit listener” into the project

    MyTransactionListener transactionListener = new MyTransactionListener(); 
    TransactionManager transactionManager = project.getRepository().getTransactionManager();
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