NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

Report Wizard provides five keyboard shortcuts to generate a report, with last used options, from a recently-used template. The table below lists the predefined keyboard shortcuts:

Keyboard ShortcutQuick Print Template
Alt + 1Template name A
Alt + 2 Template name B
Alt + 3Template name C
Alt + 4Template name D
Alt + 5Template name E

To change a keyboard shortcut

  1. On the main menu, click Options > Environment to open the Environment Options dialog.
  2. Select Keyboard from the tree list.
  3. Select Tools from the Category drop-down menu.
  4. Press the new shortcut keys on your keyboard, and click .

To use Report Wizard Quick Print

  1. After a report has been generated, a new menu will appear below the Report Wizard menu. The name of the new menu is the name of the recently generated template.

    Newly generated reports are listed on the Tools main menu.
  2. Either click the template name, or press Alt+1, Alt+2, or Alt+3 to generate this template with the last used options.

  3. Select the saved location and filename.

  4. A message dialog will open, asking if you want to open the report in the default viewer once the generating process has completed.


  • The next time you generate a report, a new menu will create and map the keyboard shortcuts until the keyboard shortcuts list is fully filled. The number of keyboard shortcuts is limited to five.
  • If the keyboard shortcuts list is full, and the new template has been generated, the keyboard shortcuts will be reused.

The table below lists some of the keyboard shortcuts provided by Report Wizard Quick Print:

Shortcut Key Template Name 
Alt + 1 Tutorial 01 – Print Element 
Alt + 2Tutorial 02 – Print Diagram 
Alt + 3Tutorial 03 – Print Project 
Alt + 4 Tutorial 04 – Print Report Data 
Alt + 5Tutorial 05 – Macro

The table above shows that the Tutorial 01 – Print Element keyboard shortcut is the most outdated template, and the following report has been completed using the template. Report Wizard Quick Print will reuse the keyboard shortcut of the most outdated template.

The table below lists commonly re-used keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyTemplate Name
Alt + 1 Business Process Diagram
Alt + 2Tutorial 02 – Print Diagram
Alt + 3 Tutorial 03 – Print Project
Alt + 4Tutorial 04 – Print Report Data
Alt + 5Tutorial 05 – Macro

If the next template to be generated has already been in the Quick Print list, the list will not change.


  • Template
    A file that serves as a starting point for a new report.

More information about Report Wizard options

To learn more about Report Wizard environment options, you can visit Customizing environment options.


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