Action API

The AlfActionUtil class also includes a set of static methods that perform operations over the entire active Project. These are:

  • parse (with no argument), which parses the Alf bodies of all Elements in the active Project that are annotated as needing recompilation.
  • parseAll, which parses all Alf text in the active Project, but does not do any mapping to UML.
  • build, which does a normal build of the Alf bodies of all elements in the active project that are annotated as needing recompilation and, optionally, also elements annotated with compilation errors (depending on its includeErrorAnnotated argument).
  • clean, which deletes all auxiliary template bindings and does a clean build of all Alf text in the active project.

In all cases, dependencies are registered for all parsed Elements and any errors are recorded as error Annotations on relevant Elements (see also The Alf editor and Dependency Management).



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