#forrow directive

The Velocity template language does not support loops inside a table structure. However, the Report Wizard engine introduces a new custom syntax that allows looping inside the table structure in order to clone the table rows.

The syntax is : #forrow <query data> #endrow

For example:

#forrow ($uc in $UseCase) $uc.name$uc.owner.humanName #endrow

#forrow ($uc in $UseCase) $uc.name is used for printing a use case that one row will be printed for one use case. However, there are two use cases in this example, thus there are two rows printed out. The output will be as follows:

UC1Package Requirement
UC2Package Requirement


  • Statements preceding the #forrow directive, but in the same row or line will execute after the #forrow directive because #forrow is a first priority directive, while statements in the preceding rows will execute in normal sequence.
  • Other statements like importing a library, or creating an array variable, have to be declared in the rows preceding the #forrow directive.

#forpage directive

The #forpage directive is used to provide a loop over the codes within a page. This directive provides implementation like #forrow, but it creates a loop over a page instead of a row. For example:

#forpage($uc in $UseCase)

The report will contain a UseCase name for each document page.


  • Statements preceding the #forpage directive, but in the same page will execute after the #forpage directive because #forpage is a first priority directive, while statements in the preceding pages will execute in normal sequence.
  • Other statements like importing a library, or creating an array variable, have to be declared in the pages preceding the #forpage directive.

#forpage directive for OpenDocument Presentation and Spreadsheet

When this directive appears in the OpenDocument Presentation template, it will create a loop over all directives that are present on the current page. All directives on this page will be included inside #forpage as shown in the figures below.

An example of a #forpage directive.

#forpage ($uc in $UseCase)

In OpenDocument Spreadsheet template, you can also use the directives as a template. The figure below displays an example of the #forpage directive in an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) file. When this directive is used in an ODS template, it will create a separate spreadsheet representing each name of the use cases in the model.

The sample of #forpage directive to create a template in an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file.

The figure below shows the output after including the directive code shown in the figure above. Another Withdraw is the name of one of the use cases in the model.

The output after including the #forpage directive in an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file.

#forcol directive for OpenDocument Spreadsheet, Excel Workbook, Word Document, and PowerPoint Presentation

This directive is designed only for the spreadsheet templates, which are OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS), Excel Workbook (XLSX), Word Document (DOCX), and PowerPoint Presentation (PPTX). This directive provides looping over the columns. In the figure below, the engine will generate a report with different columns for each Use Case name.

The sample of #forcol directive to create a template in an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file.

The output from this sample will be as shown in the figure below.

The output after including the #forcol directive in an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file.

You can combine both #forrow and #forcol directives and produce a more complex report output as shown below.

The sample of #forrow and #forcol directives to create a template in an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file.

The figure below shows an output generated from the Magic Library.mdzip sample project.  

The output after including the #forrow and #forcol directives in an OpenDocument Spreadsheet file.

Since the #forrow syntax is similar to the #foreach syntax, the #foreach syntax can then be used in #forrow.

You can find more examples of using the #forrow and #forcol directives in the Other Documents templates in the Report Wizard dialog.

To open an Other Documents template in the Report Wizard dialog

  1. On the main menu, click Tools > Report Wizard. The Report Wizard dialog opens.
  2. In the Select Template tree, expand Other Documents.
  3. Select any template and click Open.

#include and #parse directives

The original Velocity Engine provides two include directives: #include and #parse.

#include allows you to import another template. The contents of the file will not be rendered through the template engine.

To include a filename using #include($fileName), for example, type either:

#set($fileName = $attachedFile.file)




  • $fileName can be either an absolute or relative path to a file in the file system.
  • $fileName can be only static or dynamic String.
  • If the file is not found in the file system, $fileName would be searched as an Attached File Element in a MagicDraw project in the File property.

#parse allows you to import another template. The contents of the file will be rendered through the template engine. However, the file being included will be inserted with all contents.

#includeSection directive

Report Wizard introduces a statement, which allows a template to include any section of a document from another template. This statement requires the template to define the beginning and the end of the section.

The logical concept of the #includeSection and #parse directives is similar. Both directives allow a template to include another template and render it through the template engine. However, #includeSection can be used to specify only the section that you would like to include.

To declare a section, for example, type:

#sectionBegin ('sectionA')

To include a section, for example, type:

#includeSection('document.docx', 'sectionA')


  • fileName and sectionName must be static String only, e.g., #includeSection('document.docx', 'sectionA').
  • If the file is not found in the file system, fileName would be searched as an Attached File Element in a MagicDraw project in the File property.

#include, #parse, and #includeSection directives: A comparison

The #include and #parse directives are built-in directives provided by Velocity. The #includeSection directive is a custom directive implemented by MagicDraw. The table below shows the differences among these three directives.

#include #parse #includeSection 

Execution Time 

Executed at runtime.Executed as a separate template at runtime. Executed at translation time. 
Variable ScopeVariables declared in the parent template
are not accessible in the included page. 
Variables declared in the parent template can be
accessed in the included page.
Variables declared in the parent template can
be accessed in the included page. 
Rendering The Include template is not rendered through
the template engine. 
The Include template is rendered through the
template engine as a separate process.

The Include template is rendered through the
template engine as a single process. 

Include only required sectionNoNo Yes 
Size of parent templateThe size of the parent template remains
The size of the parent template remains unchanged.The size of the parent template is increased
by the included section.
Processing overheadThe #include directive increases the processing
overhead with the necessity of an additional
call to the template engine.
The #parse directive increases the processing overhead with
the necessity of an additional
call to the template engine.
The #includeSection directive does not increase
the processing overhead.
Support RTF templateNoNo Yes 
Support ODF templateNo No Yes 
Support DOCX templateNoNo Yes 
Support XLSX templateNo No No 
Support PPTX templateNo No No 


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