Foreign Namespaces

When a UML element does not share the same namespace as its owning «Model», it is now defined in the exported OWL.

Classes that are not directly owned by a package now results in an informative warning during export. The warning is similar to the following:

ERROR [com.nomagic.conceptmodeler.ui.i:160] - Unexpected error 'com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.activities.mdfundamentalactivities.impl.ActivityImpl cannot be cast to org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression' occurred while trying to export

To export a concept model to an OWL ontology

  1. Right-click your desired concept model in the Containment tree. Select Concept Modeling > Export to OWL.

  2. A question box will appear asking whether you want to freeze the elements' IRI.

    1. If you click No. The notification window shows this message.
    2. If you click Yes. The notification window shows you which elements' IRI were frozen.
  3. A progress bar will appear.
  4. A dialog will appear asking you to choose the folder to save the exported model into.
  5. A Path Variables dialog will appear. The default path variable is <project.dir>\OWL. Choose Use Selected.
  6. Your concept model is not export into the folder of your choice with the file extension of your choice. 

Foreign Namespaces

When a UML element does not share the same namespace as its owning «Model», it is now defined in the exported OWL.

Classes that are not directly owned by a package now results in an informative warning during export. The warning is similar to the following:

ERROR [com.nomagic.conceptmodeler.ui.i:160] - Unexpected error 
cannot be cast to org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression' occurred while trying to export

The exported OWL ontology file is saved in a folder named OWL. The OWL folder is created at the same location as the MagicDraw project file containing the concept model.