Providing licensing information

It is possible to provide the tool with the licensing information using the Java (JVM) system properties.

You can specify either seat or floating license.

  • Seat license (license file) properties:
LICENSE_FILE_FORCE_USAGEtruewhen specified, the tool tries using the license file specified in LICENSE_FILE property. Allows changing the license.
LICENSE_FILEpath to the license file or directory with the license files

when the tool has no license specified yet, or LICENSE_FILE_FORCE_USAGE is specified, the tool uses a license specified by LICENSE_FILE property.

Surround the path with double quotes if it contains spaces.

  • Floating license (FlexNet license server) properties:
FL_FORCE_USAGEtruewhen specified, the tool uses a floating license.
FL_SERVER_ADDRESSFlexNet license server name or IP address
FL_SERVER_PORTFlexNet license server port number
FL_EDITIONtool editionspecify if the tool supports editions; otherwise, omit.

-D must be prepended to the property name if the Java system property is specified through java command-line arguments/parameters.

E.g., in the tool launcher properties file (bin/<launcher name>.properties), add floating license properties:


or specify license file:

JAVA_ARGS=<...> -DLICENSE_FILE\="c:/my licenses/licenseFile.txt"

Getting licensing information

Use the com.nomagic.magicdraw.license.utils.LicenseUtils to check some licensing information (edition, is it a trial or evaluation version).


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