On this page

 This page explains how to access and modify the actions of the predefined Entire Model template, but you can work with the copies of other predefined templates a similar way.


DO NOT change predefined templates. If you want to customize a predefined template, first create the copy of this template with a different name, and then modify the newly created template file.

Displaying the properties table

The ExposePropertiesTable Call Behavior Action displayed in the Requirements ViewPoint diagram of the Entire Model template exposes the properties table of an element.

To open the Requirements ViewPoint diagram of the Entire Model template

  1. Click the Diagrams tab in the model browser of an open template.
  2. Expand the Collaborator View Diagrams package and double-click the Entire_model_template diagram.
  3. In the open diagram, double-click the element with the «Viewpoint» stereotype.

The Requirements ViewPoint diagram opens.

Double-click the Call Behavior Action to open the ExposePropertiesTable diagram, and view the owned actions.

The ExposePropertiesTable diagram of the Entire Model template with Call Behavior Actions displaying the properties table.

In the ExposePropertiesTable diagram, the Call Behavior Action with the «PropertiesTable» stereotype has the following properties:

  • Navigation Enabled - if the value of this property is true, the Hyperlinks and Open in Model Editor rows are added to the table.
  • Properties Mode - defines the scope of the parameters displayed in the table. There are three available values: StandardExpert, and All.
  • Titles - sets the name of the table.

The Specification window of the Call Behavior Action with the «PropertiesTable» stereotype.

Displaying the attributes table

The ExposeAttributesTable Call Behavior Action displayed in the ElementSpecificationLooper diagram of the Entire Model template is used to collect and display the table of class attributes.

To open the ElementSpecificationLooper diagram of the Entire Model template

  1. Open the Requirements ViewPoint diagram.

    1. Click the Diagrams tab in the model browser of an open template.
    2. Expand the Collaborator View Diagrams package and double-click the Entire_model_template diagram.
    3. In the open diagram, double-click the element with the «Viewpoint» stereotype.
  2. Double-click the ElementSpecification Call Behavior Action.

  3. In the ElementSpecification diagram, double-click the ElementSpecificationLooper Call Behavior Action.

The ElementSpecificationLooper diagram opens.

Double-click the Call Behavior Action to open the ExposeAttributesTable diagram, and view the owned actions. The following figure illustrates how the attributes table template is modeled, and how it displays information on the web.


The attributes table template in the ExposeAttributesTable diagram displaying the attributes table of a published model. 

Columns of a table are defined by using Structured Activity Nodes with the «TableAttributeColumn» stereotypes. If you want to create an Attribute table like the one shown in the above figure, you need to use five Structured Activity Nodes with the «TableAttributeColumn» stereotypes. The name of a Structured Activity Node defines the column name in the table. The information displayed in the column is defined by properties:

  • Property Value - the value of this property defines what is displayed in the column of a table, e.g. to display attribute multiplicity, enter QPROP:Element:multiplicity, and to display attribute name, enter QPROP:Element:name.

In the ExposeAttributesTable diagram, the Structured Activity Node with the «TableStructure» stereotype defines the structure of a table by using predefined properties:

  • Colwidths - defines the width of columns. Each column width is separated by a semicolon, and overall sum of column widths must be equal to 1, e.g., 0.3;0.1;0.1;0.4;0.1.
  • Skip If Empty - if an element doesn't have any attributes, then the table is not displayed.
  • Titles - defines the title of a table.

The Specification window of the Structured Activity Node with the «TableStructure» stereotype.

Sample project template

The template file used as an example on this page is the copy of the predefined Entire Model template that comes with Cameo Collaborator Publisher plugin. To access the template file do one of the following: