NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

A Pool in a BPMN collaboration diagram represents a participant of a collaboration. A Pool can have its inner process flows defined. You can add the elements from a BPMN Process diagram to a pool. You can also hide the pool details by displaying a “black box” pool. A Pool can also have inner lanes.

To create a Pool from Diagram pallet

  1. On the Collaboration Diagram pallet, click Horizontal Pool and select a needed type of Pool.
  2. Select Resources and click OK.

To create a Pool with a representing Resources from the Containment tree

  • Drag a Resource, Organization, Post, or Person from the Containment tree to a BPMN Collaboration diagram pane.

To create a Pool with a suppressed content

  • On the Collaboration Diagram pallet, under Conversations click Participant (Pool).

To add Lane to a Pool, do one of the following

  • Right-click a Pool, point to Insert Inner Lanes or Insert Lanes and select a lane type.
  • Right-click a Pool header and click to select Insert Lanes.

To open a Pool Specification window

  • Right-click the Pool header and select Specification.

To specify a model element represented by a Pool or Lane, do one of the following

A Pool can represent a BPMN Resource element or UML classifier element.
  • Click a Pool or Lane header on the diagram. On the Smart Manipulators toolbar click the Represents button.
  • Open the Pool or Lane Specification window, click Represents and select the represented elements from drop down list.

    Any type of element you can select only from Specification window.

  • Select a represented element in the Containment tree and drag it to the Pool or Lane header on the diagram.

To hide a Pool content on a diagram (to display a “black box” pool)

  • Right-click a Pool header and from the shortcut menu select one of the following:
    • Suppress Pool Content
    • Symbol(s) Properties and in the open dialog set the Suppress Pool Content property value to true.

A Pool with suppressed content that references a MultiInstance Participant will be displayed with a MultiInstance marker.

To display a MultiInstance marker on a Pool

  1. Open the Specification window.
  2. Click Represents and select a represented multi-instance Participant.

    A MultiInstance marker can be displayed only on a Poll with suppressed contents.

To review the Pool or Lane traceability information

  • Open the Specification window, click Traceability.


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