The Concept Modeler can automatically generate glossaries for classes, association ends, attributes, enumerations, and enumeration literals in a concept model upon importing an OWL ontology. Additionally, it can generate glossary entries when those concept model elements are created or edited in the diagram or the containment tree.

To set the options for automatic generation of glossaries

  1. Select Project from the Options menu.

    Figure 1: The Concept Modeler's project options.
  2. Select General project options.
  3. Click on the corresponding checkbox for the option to enable or disable the following options (by default, these options are disabled):
    • Add classes to the glossary.
    • Add association ends to the glossary.
    • Add attributes to the glossary.
    • Add enumerations to the glossary.
    • Add enumeration literals to the glossary.
  4. Click OK.

    Figure 2: The Concept Modeler's glossary options.

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