NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

Software requirements

To link and share data using Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) integration, ensure that the following software requirements are met:

  • The following software is installed on your machine:
    1. Modeling tool with the Requirements plugin (e.g., MagicDraw + Requirements plugin, Cameo Systems Modeler, Cameo Enterprise Architecture)
    2. Cameo DataHub
  • You have access to the following software on a server:
    1. Teamwork Cloud
    2. Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud
    3. Doors Next Generation v6.0.3+ (DNG)

Software versions

You must use the same version of a modeling tool and Cameo DataHub, and the same version of Teamwork Cloud and Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud. For more information, see the product compatibility page.

Configuring software for OSLC integration

Before starting OSLC integration, configure the software installed on your machine as described below.

To configure software for OSLC integration

  1. Go to the <Teamwork_Cloud_installation_directory>\AuthServer\config directory and open the file.

  2. In the file, make the following changes to the Authentication Server OAuth related properties (for more information about OAuth consumer keys, see OAuth consumer key management):

    1. Remove commenting symbols (#)  from the following properties:

    2. Remove the commenting symbol (#) from the auth.register.valid.secrets property. Then specify its value by entering comma-separated OAuth consumer secrets, as displayed in the example below. They will be used as a part of OAuth 1.0 credentials for Teamwork Cloud-DNG communication.

  3. Go to <Teamwork_Cloud_installation_directory>\configuration and open the application.conf file.

  4. In the file, specify Cameo Collaborator for Teamwork Cloud protocol, server, and port values as displayed below. Cameo Collaborator allows you to see the OSLC UI previews of model elements in the environment of a linked tool, e.g., Doors Next Generation. For more information see Publishing an OSLC resource.

    esi.oslc {
    	protocol = "https"
    	server = "<Cameo_Collaborator_server_address>"
    	port = "<Cameo_Collaborator_port>"


    • Cameo Collaborator server must use HTTPS protocol
    • Make sure you replace the placeholders of the port and server values with the actual Cameo Collaborator port and server address.
  5. Go to the <wap_installation_directory>\apache-tomcat\shared\conf directory and open the file.

  6. In the file, specify the Teamwork Cloud guest user name and password as displayed below. The guest user is used when opening an OSLC resource in a linked toole.g., Doors Next Generation.


    Guest user permissions

    The Teamwork Cloud guest user must have permissions to open and read OSLC resources.


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