This user guide is intended to serve as an introduction to the Cameo DataHub features and functionality and how to use it to work with requirement management tools such as IBM® Rational® DOORS® and IBM® Rational® DOORS® Next Generation, and HP Application Lifecycle Management suite. This user guide also contains examples of how to use the DataHub features of copying data, linking, and synchronization. You will be able to copy requirements, link them to one another, as well as link them to system design models such as Use Cases, artifacts, and test cases. Additionally, the DataHub also supports working with requirements in a collaborative context by providing data sharing among team members via Teamwork Server.

This user guide is an introduction to the UI components of DataHub and some of its features. The last section of this user guide provides the definitions of the terms used in the DataHub context. The features of the plug-in that are explained in this user guide includes: User Interface, copy features, OSLC link and query, and DataHub configuration elements.


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