The Conflict Dashboard lists all the nodes that have been changed, moved, deleted, or excluded. A simple color scheme enables you to differentiate their modified conditions.


The Check DHLink Changes Recursively command checks for changes in both the selected node and its child nodes.

To access the Conflict Dashboard from a node in the MagicDraw Containment tree

  • In the MagicDraw Containment tree, right-click a node and choose DataHub Actions > Check Changes > Check DHLink Changes or Check DHLink Changes Recursively.

To access the Conflict Dashboard from a node in DataHub Explorer Panel

  • In DataHub Explorer Panel, right-click a node and select Check Changes > Check DHLink Changes or Check DHLink Changes Recursively.

When you Check DHLink Changes or Check DHLink Changes Recursively, the Conflict Dashboard dialog appears if there are any changes. 

The Conflict Dashboard dialog.

If there are no changes, the following dialog appears.

The Conflict Dashboard is comprised of the following components

  • Source and Target data trees
  • Display drop-down list
  • Properties panel
  • Node changes in colors
  • Synchronize and close buttons

The Display drop-down list, Properties panel, and node changes in colors are explained below.

Display drop-down lists

The Display drop-down lists allow you to filter the pending synchronizations according to the type of modifications.

The Display drop-down list in the Conflict Dashboard.

Properties panel

The Conflict Dashboard Properties panel shows the properties and attributes of the source and target nodes.

The Conflict Dashboard Properties panel.

Node changes in colors

The Conflict Dashboard displays node changes in colors explained in the following table.

Change typeColorMeaning
New EntityGreenRefers to a new node in the scope or a deleted node at the end of a one-way synchronization (re-create).
ModifiedBlueRefers to a modified node.
MovedYellowRefers to a moved node.
DeletedPinkRefers to a deleted node or a new node at the end of a one-way sync (force-delete).
Out of ScopeRed Lettering Refers to a node that is no longer within the scope of the root node.
ExcludedGray LetteringRefers to a node that has been excluded from synchronization.


If there is more than one Data Source connected, the dialog prompting you to choose a target Data Source to check for node changes appears.