Modeling concepts

Allocations rely on SysML allocation links.

System Mapping Project

A template is provided to initiate modeling a System Mapping for a given Hardware Architecture, Software Architecture, and Communication Matrices.

The project is structured as follows:

System Mapping Key Features

The System Mapping Project allows you to make the consistent synthesis of the 3 architectures (used projects) through different allocations: Software-to-Hardware, and Software-to-Communication at the system level (vehicle). The outcomes are Interface Control Documents or Service Deployment Manifests.

The key features are:

  • Allocate Software components on Hardware
  • Allocate Signal-based data exchange on Hardware
  • Allocate Service Interface:
    • On Hardware Port and middleware (SOME/IP) configuration
    • On VLAN
  • Generate reports of Interface Control Document
  • Generate reports of Service Deployment Manifest
  • Dedicated diagrams, allocation matrix tables, and tabular views

Performing System Mappings in detail

Before proceeding with the allocation of software components to the hardware components, it is necessary to initialize the System Mapping project.

The first step is to reference as used projects the following architectures:

  • Software Architecture
  • Hardware Architecture
  • Communication Matrices

The second step involves initializing the System Mapping package with both hardware architecture and software architecture onto which allocations will be performed.

To initialize a System Mapping

  1. In the Containment tree, right-click the System Mapping package.
  2. In the shortcut menu, click E/E Architecture Tools > Initialize Systems Mapping.
  3. Specify Software Composition/Function and Topology.

    The top-level components for Hardware Architecture and Software Architecture must be selected.

  4. Click OK.