NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

You can create specific properties in requirements specifications. This will help identify the requirement’s version, complexity, priority, severity, status, and other properties. Use the UML Profiling and DSL Guide to extend Requirements with custom properties. Add custom properties to the general properties list by extending the ExtendedRequirement class.

Customizing procedure details are described in Creating Customization Data and Using Customization Data in the UML Profiling and DSL Guide.

To create custom properties

  1. In your project, create a Package for your custom properties.

    To create a new package

    1. In the Containment tree, right-click the element.

      The element should be a namespace, such as a package, class, or requirement.

    2. Select Create Element Package.
    3. Type a name for the new Package (e.g. Custom Properties).
    4. Press Enter.
  2. In that package, create a new stereotype. How to create a new stereotype >>

  3. Apply a metaclass Class to the created stereotype.

    To apply a metaclass to a stereotype

          a. In the Containment tree, right-click the newly created stereotype.
          b. From the shortcut menu, select Metaclass.
          c. In the Metaclass dialog, select a Class.
          d. Click Apply.

  4. For the stereotype with the applied metaclass Class, create custom properties.

    To create custom properties for a stereotype

         a. In the Containment tree, right-click stereotype.
         b. From the shortcut menu, select Create Element.
         c. In the Create Element dialog, select Property.
         d.Type a property name and specify a value type.

  5. Extend the ExtendedRequirement class using properties created in the stereotype (i.e., you must relate the stereotype with the Generalization relationship to the ExtendedRequirement class).

    To extend the ExtendedRequirement class using custom properties

         a. In the Containment tree, right-click stereotype.
         b. From the shortcut menu, select Create Relation > Outgoing.
         c. In the Outgoing dialog, select Generalization.
         d. In the Create New Generalization To dialog, select the List tab, clear the Apply Filter check box, and select the ExtendedRequirement [Class].
         e. Click OK.

  6. On the main toolbar, click Save Project button and restart your project.
    Your custom properties are added to the general requirement properties. You can assign values to them in the Requirement’s Specification window or in the Properties panel.

    The following figure depicts how the stereotype related to the ExtendedRequirement [Class] looks in the Containment tree and diagram pane.

The ExtendedRequirement [Class] extended by the author property is shown in the Containment tree and diagram pane.



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