It is a block with a classifier behavior which is an activity for running each alternative iteratively and it compares the result from each iterative to find the best value. 

The Trade Study Pattern Block with Its Classifier Behavior and Constraints
The Trade Study Pattern Block with Its Classifier Behavior and Constraints.

You can reuse Trade Study Pattern by creating another block inherited from it. Then, you have to bind the part in your system which will be replaced with the alternative to the current:Alternative, the inherited property which is owned by the Trade Study Pattern block. Also bind the value property whose value is an indicator for selection of the best configuration, to the currentValue:Real of the Trade Study Pattern. 

In Engine Trade Study package, Engine trade study block is inherited from Trade Study Pattern block. The engine of boat is bound to the current:Alternative of the Trade Study Pattern. Here, we would like to find the engine which provide the maximum power for the boat. Therefore, hp:Real which represents horse power of the engine, is bound to the currentValue:Real.

Reusing the Trade Study Pattern Block
Reusing the Trade Study Pattern Block.