NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

Cameo Simulation Toolkit can access files as «AttachedFile» in MagicDraw using only file names (without paths), if there are references to files by names not found in project directories. The attached files supported are as follows:

  • CSV: Used by the LoadCSVFile tag of «TimeSeriesChart».

    An attached file of BouncingResult.csv used by the LoadCSVFile tag of «TimeSeriesChart».
  • XLSX (Excel): Used by the filename tag of «fileSchema».
  • M (MATLAB): Used by the Specification tag of «Constraint».
  • FMU (FMI): Used as a «Block» «fmu» for FMI.
  • JAR (external libraries): Used as external libraries (*.JAR) in script engine.

However, if the referenced file is in both project directory and in the attached file, the following conditions are applied:

  1. If the file is in the project directory and in the attached file, the file in the project directory will be used without any displayed messages.
  2. If the file is in the project directory but not in the attached file, the file in the project directory will be used without any displayed messages.
  3. If the file is not in the project directory but is in the attached file, the file in «AttachedFile» will be used, and the following information message will be printed in the Console pane, “INFO: Load 'aFile' of Attached File within the project.”
  4. If the file is not in the project directory and not in the attached file, the following error message will be printed in the Console pane, “ERROR: Cannot find 'aFile' from the project directory or attached file.”


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