NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

You can also use a NestedUIConfig stereotype to show a part using existing UI Configurations. Any UI Panels or UI Group Boxes that will be used for this purpose must be applied with the NestedUIConfig stereotype and must also be set for both the feature and Config tags. The benefit of this purpose is that you can reuse existing UI Configurations to illustrate any parts of contexts that have the same Class represented. Thus, you do not need to create a new UI Configuration whenever you want to represent another part that has the same Class represented. 

The FlashLight sample will be used to show how to model a part using an existing UI Configuration. The following steps show you how to create a UI Mockup that represents the entire system parts, which uses only one UI Frame 

  1. Open the FlashLight sample, which is located in the <md.installed>/samples/simulation directory (FlashingLight.mdzip). The following System Definition Class diagram shows the definition of the FlashLight system. By default, when executing and running this sample, you will see the Button and Light are shown in different Frames. 

    System Definition Class Diagram of the FlashLight Sample

    The following figure demonstrates the runtime User Interface Mockup that represents the Class Button and Class Light

    The Runtime UI Mockup of Class Button and Light
  2. Right-click the Containment tree and select New Diagram > Other Diagrams > User Interface Modeling Diagram to create a User Interface Modeling diagram.
  3. Create a UI Frame on the UI Modeling diagram by dragging the Class system to the newly created UI Frame as follows

    The UI Frame Representing Class System
  4. Create two UI panels in the UI Frame.
  5. Drag the Light property to one of the UI panels to apply the NestedUIConfig stereotype to the UI Panel and set the Light property to the feature tag of that UI panel as follows

    The UI Panel Representing the Light Property as a Part of Class System
  6. Drag an existing UI Configuration named LampBulb to the UI panel that represents the Light property. This will set the dragged UI Configuration to the Config tag of that UI panel as follows

    Assigning the LampBulb UI Configuration to the UI Panel Representing the Light Property

    After assigning the LampBulb UI Configuration to the UI panel representing the Light Property, you will see the tagged value Specification of the UI panel that represents the Light property in the Specification of the UI Panel dialog as follows

    Tagged Value Specification of the UI Panel Representing the Light Property

  7. Drag the Button property to another UI panel. Now the UI panel represents the Button property as part of Class system.

    The UI Panel Representing the Button PropertyAs Part of Class System
  8. Drag an existing UI Configuration named PowerButton to the UI panel that represents the Button property.

  9. Create a new Simulation Configuration element on any Simulation Configuration diagrams; set the simulationTarget tag to Class system and set the UI tag to the UI Frame that represents the Class system.

    Execution Configuration Elements and Its Specificatons
  10. Simulate and run the newly created Simulation Configuration. The UI Mockup will appear as illustrated in the following figure
The UI Mockup Representing Class System and Its Parts



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