NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

A testcase is one kind of Behavior Classifier. It can be a class, Behavior, activity, or operation. Since a test case is a SysML element, you need to load a SysML profile into your model to run it. Cameo Simulation Toolkit supports testcase verdicts. 

A verdict kind is an Enumeration value in SysML. It can be error, inconclusive, pass, or fail. Cameo Simulation automatically assigns either Pass or Fail as the verdict value to a Testcase. If a constraint in the test case (pre/post conditions, state invariants) is not satisfied in a model execution, Cameo Simulation Toolkit will automatically generate a fail verdict value for the Behavior return parameter, terminate the Behavior simulation, and return the value. 

If the "constraint as a breakpoint" option is used in the simulation, whenever the constraint fails, evaluation will stop and will be highlighted in the model, and you will see the message in red in the Variables pane. The requirement will be highlighted as well so that you can see what is wrong and navigate to the requirement. 

Cameo Simulation Toolkit will generate a Pass verdict value after the simulation terminates if there is no constraint fails. If a constraint fails, the simulation will pause, and you will get a Fail verdict value in the Console pane, but you can always resume the simulation afterwards.

 Pass and Fail Verdict Values in the Console Pane

Simulation console showing constraints that have been evaluated.


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