NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

The SysML elements that Cameo Simulation Toolkit supports are outlined below:

  • Accept Change Structural Feature Event Action
    An accept event action that waits for a Change Structural Feature Event.

  • Adjunct property
    A property to which the «AdjunctProperty» stereotype is applied.

  • Binding Connector
    A Connector that the «BindingConnector» stereotype is applied to and specifying that properties at both ends of a connector have equal values.

  • Block
    A UML Class stereotyped with «Block».

  • Association Block
    A Block containing an instance that can link instances of the end Classifiers of the Association together.

  • BoundReference
    A property applying the «BoundReference» stereotype that requires a binding Connector to a property or nested property of an owning Block.

  • Change Structural Feature Event
    An Event that occurs when a value of a specified structural feature on the Event changes.

  • Classifier Behavior property
    A property to which the stereotype «ClassifierBehaviorProperty» is applied that the value of a classifier Behavior property is a Behavior simulation of the classifier Behavior of an object.

  • Constraint Block
    A class stereotyped with «ConstraintBlock» that has a constraint with an expression to constrain the values of its constraint parameters.

  • Flow property
    A property to which the stereotype «FlowProperty» is applied and has a flow direction.

  • Full Port
    A port stereotyped with «FullPort» that specifies a separate element of an owning block.

  • Invocation on nested Port Action

    Cameo Simulation Toolkit uses the tagged value onNestedPort to send a signal if a send signal Action is stereotyped with «InvocationOnNestedPortAction».

  • Nested Connector end

    If the ends of a connector that connects properties are stereotyped with «NestedConnectorEnd», Cameo Simulation Toolkit uses the information from the propertyPath of the nested connector end to find the right objects that specify the properties at both ends of the connector.

  • Probability
    A stereotype in SysML applied to outgoing edges of decision nodes and object nodes that Cameo Simulation Toolkit uses its probability value to select one outgoing edge from other outgoing edges to go to.

  • Proxy Port
    A port stereotyped with «ProxyPort» that the value specifying the proxy port is the reference of the object that is the target of the flow.

  • Trigger on nested Port

    A trigger stereotyped with «TriggerOnNestedPort» that Cameo Simulation Toolkit uses the tagged value onNestedPort to check the port and find which object receives the triggering Events.

  • Value type
    A data type stereotyped with «ValueType» that allows you to define a value type for typing value properties in a model.


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