NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

A classifier Behavior property is a property to which the stereotype «ClassifierBehaviorProperty» is applied. The value of a classifier Behavior property is a Behavior simulation of the classifier Behavior of an object. Therefore, the value of the classifier Behavior property exists only after the Behavior of the object has been started (See Executing an Object with Adjunct and Classifier Behavior Properties.). The block Integrator has a classifier Behavior property typed by the activity Integrator. You will see the Behavior simulation as the value of the classifier Behavior in the Variables pane. 

Note: Support multiple inherited Classifier Behaviors

When a block inherits from multiple other blocks which have a classifier Behavior (CB) only one of them is run instead of all. In the figure below, block A inherits from block B and block C, however, when running the simulation, only block A Behavior is simulated. The Behaviors C and B will be not simulated.

Block A inheriting from multiple blocks, B and C.

Simulation console messages showing only Block A is run.

If the specialized block does not have a CB, all inherited should be run. In the figure below, System1, System2, Super1 and Super2 Behaviors are simulated as asynchronous sessions because the SubSystem block does not have a Classifier Behavior.

Block SubSystem without any inherited Classifier Behavior.

Simulation console messages showing Block System1, System2, Super1 and Super2 all running asynchronously.



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