Simulation Toolkit has an option to support dummy tokens of CallBehaviorActions that do not have a Behavior. Business-level abstract diagrams can be executed and animated because Simulation will automatically create new objects according to type of those Output Pins if unspecified, even though this action will break fUML semantics. You can set the Auto Create fUML Object of Output Pin option (true by default) in the Project Options Simulation dialog.

Objects are automatically created according to type of unspecified Output Pins, e.g., order.

From the figure above, the Output Pin returns an object (ro is order@203c1eec). If the Auto Create fUML Object of Output Pin option is set false, the Output Pin will have no value.

To set the Auto Create fUML Object of Output Pin option

  1. From the main menu, click Options > Project. The Project Options dialog opens.
  2. On the left pane, click Simulation.

  3. Under the fUML Engine group, set the Auto Create fUML Object of Output Pin option to true.

  4. Select OK.

    The Auto Create fUML Object of Output Pin option in the Project Options Simulation dialog.


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