You can use MATLAB Version R2016b or later to evaluate expressions written in MATLAB syntax in Simulation Toolkit. You must install MATLAB and set up your modeling tools to call and use it.


  • For successful integration, you must use the 64-bit version of MATLAB to align it with the 64-bit version of modeling tools, e.g., MagicDraw or Cameo Systems Modeler.
  • To enable the Integrations menu, you must change the perspective to Full Featured, System Engineer, or Software Architect (from the main menu, select Options > Perspectives > Perspectives, select Full Featured, System Engineer, or Software Architect, and click Apply).
  • When integrating with MATLAB for the first time or changing the MATLAB version, you must restart your system. If the system has been previously integrated with MATLAB, restart only the modeling tool.
  • If there are problems with integrating MATLAB on Windows, please ensure that MagicDraw is running with the administrator's privileges, and then try to integrate again.

To integrate a modeling tool with MATLAB (on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X)

  1. From the main menu, click Tools > Integrations. The Integrations dialog opens.

  2. Select MATLAB and click Integrate/Remove Integration. The MATLAB directory selection dialog opens.

  3. Click Browse to specify the MATLAB home directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016b.
  4. Click OK and restart your system or the modeling tool.


    You can manually verify the MATLAB integration process, e.g., setting the path of system variables in the Environment Variables to the correct MATLAB path of each operating system, through the following links:


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