NEW RELEASE! The 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 was released on February 28, 2025. For more information, see 2022x Refresh2 Hot Fix 3 Version News.

Now we have imported a pseudo state shown above, we will add some states to our state machine diagram.

To import states into a state machine diagram

  1. Click File > Import From > Import CSV to start the CSV Import plugin wizard interface, see figure below.

    Importing State Information to a State Machine Diagram

  2. Click to browse and locate your CSV file.

  3. Select a target element type of State as in figure above.

  4. Click . The Import CSV: Mapping dialog will open, see figure below.

    Mapping CSV Columns and Property Types

  5. Click StateName column from the CSV file view and select name from properties list, and then click .

  6. Keep the name property from the Properties list selected, and also keep the StateName column from CSV data source selected, then click the  button beside the Key Property textboxes. The Key Property textboxes should populate as shown in figure above.

  7. Click the column StateOwner from the CSV file, and select owner from properties list, and then click .

  8. Click the column DiagramPath column from the CSV file, choose a property of Diagram, and then click .

  9. Click . Your MagicDraw Containment tree should be updated as in figure below.

    The Imported State Information Shown in the Containment Tree 



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